Saturday, December 4, 2010

Race Recap: Jingle Bell Jaunt 5k

This morning I decided to run my first race since RNRSA...It's been nearly 3 weeks. And I couldnt stay away.

The University (UTB) was holding thier Jingle Bell Jaunt Annual Holiday 5K. I put in about 20 miles this week and thought what the hell? If I dont do a race now then I won't get back into the groove of training. There were two 5ks scheduled one was a trail run which I planned to do but when I used the GPS on my phone the directions just seemed to confusing. I dont have the greatest internal compass so I had a feeling I'd get lost. UTB is easy to get to. I pushed myself out of bed to make the 30 min drive out to Brownsville.

When I got there it at 7, there was hardly anyone there. I was just waiting for the tumbleweeds to roll by, I thought the race might have been cancelled. I saw the cones and thought game on. If there are less people here, the more chance I have to do well in my division. :) I figured that because the University was sponsering the race there would be tons of people.....there was only 46 participants.

The race shirts were cute. While long sleeves, with a holiday theme snowflakes and what not. I would have much rather had a volunteer shirt. They were dark blue instead of white the design looked way cooler on those.

The gun went off and BOOOOOOOM! The younger kids took off like a shot gun. I tried to keep up and checked my garmin off and on I was pacing at 7:30 for the first mile. The second mile rolled up and I had dropped to 8:00 which was more comfortable. I grabbed a cup of water and ended up spilling more on my clothes and face than drinking it. At 2.5 we ran by the ROTC's PT group and it was about 100 guys oogling all the girl runners. Not nice. And THEN someone backed out of a parking spot right in front of me, forcing me really slow down. JERK! I picked it back up a little at the end and got back under 8 min mile. I pushed through and finished the race in 23:30! A PR for the 5K! YAY me!

After the race, I chat with a couple of people who ran RNRSA a half and a full finisher. It was nice to rehash our triumphs and tragedies. I'm glad that I am not the only one who hit THE nasty WALL. And we all agreed that the hill at the end of the SA race was a cruel sick joke! LOL.

In the end I finished:
2nd female overall
2nd in my division F 20-24
11th overall.

Not bad for a mornings work. Not to mention our awards were adorable chirstmas ornaments!

Look for more pictures soon. I need to steal some from UTB once they post them on the Rec Center Website.

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